best times to post on pinterest

Get Your Pins Noticed: The Best Times to Post on Pinterest

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Why do some people find success on Pinterest but not you? 

You’ve spent so much time crafting your pin. But your pin doesn’t even reach a hundred views. No repins. No saves. No comments. Nada.

It’s sad seeing your pins not getting enough love, even if they have amazing graphics and descriptions.

What could be wrong?

There are several possible reasons why your pins don’t get traction. 

One likely reason is you’re NOT pinning on the best posting times.

Why Should You Care About Your Pinning Time?

Posting at the best times may seem irrelevant since Pinterest is running on Smart Feed. 

The Smart Feed algorithm allows every user to have a personalized Home Feed. 

Depending on the user’s activities, Pinterest only shows relevant pins based on the following:

  • The things they search for
  • The boards they create
  • The pins they engage with

Although Smart Feed works this way, you can still reach your audience at times they’re most active.

If you pin on the best times and days consistently, there’s a higher chance Pinterest will pick up your pins and show them to your target audience’s Home Feed. 

The results? Increased visibility. Greater reach. Better engagement.

The Best Times to Post on Pinterest According to CoSchedule

If you want to boost your pin’s performance, listen to the experts! 

CoSchedule, a marketing work management software company, researched the best times to post on Pinterest

Here’s what they’ve found out:

1. The Best and Worst Hours to Post on Pinterest

Top 5 Best Hours:

For increased visibility and engagement, pin on the following hours:

  1. 8:00 pm
  2. 4:00 pm
  3. 9:00 pm
  4. 3:00 pm
  5. 2:00 pm

Thoughts: This makes sense. People often rest or take a break during these hours so they have time to check Pinterest.

Worst 5 Hours:

To avoid getting the least engagement, never pin during these worst 5 hours:

  1. 12:00 mn
  2. 1:00 am
  3. 6:00 am
  4. 4:00 am
  5. 5:00 am

Thoughts: Right. Who will view your pins during these ungodly hours?

2. The Best and Worst Days to Post on Pinterest

Top 3 Best Days:

CoSchedule shares that the best days to pin are:

  1. Sunday
  2. Monday
  3. Tuesday

Thoughts: This seems accurate. On Sundays, people often prepare for the workweek ahead and stay home. On Mondays and Tuesdays, they catch up on social media and emails.

Worst 3 Days:

  1. Thursday
  2. Friday
  3. Saturday

Thoughts: Yeah. Thursday and Friday are the last workdays of the week. People have deadlines to finish, so there’s no time for social media. When it’s Saturday, people often go out.

How Frequently Should You Pin to Your Pinterest Boards?

The ideal pinning frequency depends on 2 major things:

  1. Your goals. How fast do you want to grow your business on Pinterest?
  2. Your pinning capacity. Do you have the time and human resources to create consistent pins?

MeetEdgar shared that the best pinning frequency is 15-25 pins max, based on a 2020 Pinterest webinar.

If you want Pinterest to be your top business referrer, you can devote your social media marketing efforts to Pinterest and create 15-25 pins daily. 

But if it’s not, you can aim to pin 1-5 times per day.

Is There a Limit to How Much You Can Pin in One Day?

Pinterest states that a personal account has a lifetime limit of 200,000 pins. But they don’t say anything about the total pin limit you can do per day. So technically, there’s none.

However, if you don’t properly space your pinning time, Pinterest will hit you with its Rate Limit Block. 

If Pinterest thinks you’re spamming the platform, they’ll temporarily block your account for 24 hours.

Tools to Help Determine Your Best Posting Times on Pinterest for FREE

Aside from following CoSchedule’s recommended best posting times, you can use the following free tools so that you can know your Pinterest account’s best pinning times:

1. Tailwind App

The Tailwind App is a social media and email marketing tool specializing in Pinterest and Instagram marketing. 

Simply signup on their platform and connect your personal or business account on Pinterest.

To know your best posting times, you can use Tailwind’s SmartSchedule feature.

For free accounts, you can only view and use SmartSchedule when creating and scheduling a pin on Tailwind’s platform.

best times to post on pinterest - tailwind

The above image shows SmartSchedule’s recommended timeslots for your pin. These best posting times are specifically generated for your Pinterest account. And they’re based on your audience’s most engaged times.

2. Buffer

Buffer is a social media toolkit for small businesses. Unlike the Tailwind App, you don’t have to create your pins before you can see your best posting times.

After signing up and connecting your Pinterest account, you can immediately see your best posting times on Buffer’s “Publishing” window. See the image below:

best times to post on pinterest - buffer

However, you can’t connect a personal Pinterest account on Buffer. They only allow business accounts.

Pinning on Best Posting Times Isn’t Enough: Other Tips to Maximize Pin Performance

Publishing on the best posting times on Pinterest doesn’t guarantee immediate success. There are other factors you need to consider.

To maximize your pin performance, we recommend that you:

  • Have a consistent pinning schedule. Posting on the same days and times lets your pins show up more on a user’s Smart Feed. So don’t just pin whenever you feel like it.
  • Create attractive pins. Vertical pins with overlay text look and perform better than horizontal and square pins. Since Pinterest has a portrait-oriented interface, create pins with a 2:3 ratio.
  • Claim your website on your Pinterest settings. Doing so unlocks Pinterest’s improved web analytics. Plus, when someone pins/shares your website on Pinterest, a follow button of your Pinterest profile will appear on their pins.
  • Create a mix of image and video pins. Posting a variety of pin formats makes your audience more engaged. If your audience likes videos better than images, include more videos in your Pinterest content calendar.
  • Create pins based on Pinterest Trends. Look over Pinterest Trends and see if you can make pins relevant to your business. Pinning/talking about the latest trends increases your account’s visibility.

Wrapping Up

Pinterest is an excellent social media platform for businesses with visually appealing products and services. 

If you want to step up your Pinterest marketing strategy, publish your pins at the best posting times and follow all the abovementioned tactics. 

With good research, careful planning, and proper execution, your business can succeed on Pinterest.

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