Consistency Doesn’t Always Win

consistency doesn't always win

Does consistency always win? I used to believe that consistency was the key to success in every business. Until I learned the hard way that it doesn’t always work. If there’s little to no demand for your services or products, you will make few sales, even if you consistently promote them. So yes, demand beats … Read moreConsistency Doesn’t Always Win

12 Signs of a Bad Freelance Writing Client

signs of a bad freelance writing client

Hold up! Are you sure you want to work with that new freelance writing client? Before you send in your application, write a trial work, or sign a contract, it’s essential to know if that client isn’t really one of the bad guys.  While there are many good clients out there, there are also bad … Read more12 Signs of a Bad Freelance Writing Client

Increase Your Productivity as a Solopreneur: 8 Strategies that Work

increase your productivity as a solopreneur

Ideally, business owners should have a team or staff. So you can delegate work you’re not good at. And have more time to do the things that you like. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. If your business isn’t heavily funded, you’re forced to wear many hats. You are your own marketer, social media manager, … Read moreIncrease Your Productivity as a Solopreneur: 8 Strategies that Work

Get Your Pins Noticed: The Best Times to Post on Pinterest

best times to post on pinterest

Why do some people find success on Pinterest but not you?  You’ve spent so much time crafting your pin. But your pin doesn’t even reach a hundred views. No repins. No saves. No comments. Nada. It’s sad seeing your pins not getting enough love, even if they have amazing graphics and descriptions. What could be … Read moreGet Your Pins Noticed: The Best Times to Post on Pinterest

7 Strategies to Instantly Increase Your Email Open Rates

increase your email open rates

When promoting your business, video marketing is the way to go — because it’s the “in-thing” today! There are Facebook and Instagram Reels, Youtube Shorts, and TikTok videos that you can use to market your brand. But why do business owners, managers, and marketers still love sending you emails? It’s because emails deliver a stronger … Read more7 Strategies to Instantly Increase Your Email Open Rates